Archbishop of Canterbury interviews Pope Francis for the Kingdom Come

Archbishop of Canterbury interviews Pope Francis for the Kingdom ComeThe Archbishop of Canterbury, Most Revd. Justin Welby interviewed Pope Francis on May 18, 2019 in a symbol of the warm relationship shared by the two Church leaders and shared this special video message on social media from Pope Francis to Christians around the world. In a significant moment for relations between the Anglican and Catholic Church, the interview was recorded on the Archbishop's mobile phone during a recent meeting in Rome.

Pope Francis’s interview

In the message, the Pope encouraged Christians taking part in the Kingdom Come – the prayer movement launched by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York in 2016. The Pope said: ““This is the cry of all Christians on this Day of Pentecost. Come Holy Spirit. The Promise of the Father. The Promise of Jesus. That the Holy Spirit might enlarge and widen our hearts. We all have a problem, and that is that our hearts tend to shrink, become smaller and close. We can’t solve that problem by ourselves. Only the Holy Spirit can solve it. Come Holy Spirit. And Jesus, Thy Kingdom Come. The Kingdom of the Father that you came to announce. And to you, my brothers and sisters, with my brother Justin Welby, we want to tell you that we walk alongside you in this prayer – ‘Thy Kingdom Come’”.
At the beginning of this video message, Archbishop Welby explains how it went. “The most amazing thing happened a little while ago. I had the huge privilege of meeting Pope Francis who is extraordinary. I very cheekily said to him would he give a message for “Thy Kingdom Come”? And without a pause, he gave the message you’re about to hear. Listen carefully, it is utterly inspiring”.
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