Pope Francis highlights the theme of the mercy of God

Pope asked the faithful to imagine they were witnessing the scene of Jesus, the woman and the crowd who want her stoned to death for her sins. The Holy Father said that the crowd have not come to the Master to ask for his opinion but to make him fall into a trap. When Jesus responds saying "Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone at her" continued the Pope this “displaces the accusers”, and disarms them. They leave aware of their sins. Just like the Gospel reading said Pope Francis, we need to be aware of our sins and have the courage to drop the stones that we aim at others and think about the wrong we do.
The Holy Father noted that when everyone has gone it is just “the woman and Jesus: misery and mercy, facing each other.” Putting this scene into the context of today, Pope Francis explained that it is like when we are in the confessional filled with shame. We see our own misery and we ask for forgiveness.
This woman underlined, the Pope “represents all of us, sinners, that is, adulterers before God, traitors of his loyalty. And her experience is God's will for each of us: not our condemnation, but our salvation through Jesus.”
Following the recitation of the Marian prayer, all those gathered in St. Peter's Square, were given a copy of the Gospel of St. Luke, donated by Pope Francis, with an invitation to "read it every day.”
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