WCC encourages Vatican working together for justice and peace

WCC encourages Vatican working together for justice and peaceGreetings from the World Council of Churches (WCC) were brought to the General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church on the Family in the Vatican this week by Rev. Dr Walter Altmann, a Brazilian Lutheran and former Moderator of the WCC Central Committee. He called the Synod a “great and wonderful learning community”.
In his speech at the Synod delivered on October 16, he said, “Listening to each other, you affirm together the gospel values you share, how they are expressed in the tradition of the church and how they can be lived out and practiced today.” He affirmed the words from Pope Francis when he called the Synod “an expression of the church; it is the church that walks together to read reality with the eyes of faith and with the heart of God.”
With this affirmation, Altmann said that the WCC has been speaking since its 2013 Assembly of a “pilgrimage of justice and peace”, underlining that “we are together on a faith journey and are deeply committed to justice and peace as signs of God’s reign to come.”
“This commitment to express the values of God’s reign as justice and peace is very significant for all those who live together in different types of family life. That is the first and innermost circle of our life together as we seek to bring fairness and reconciliation,” he said.
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