Militants kill four children for refusing to convert to Islam

Canon Andrew White
"Things were bad in Baghdad, there were bombs and shootings and our people were being killed, so many of our people fled back to Nineveh, their traditional home," he told. He revealed the threats made by IS to the Christians, giving the ultimatum that they convert to Islam or face death.
He said: "They said to one man, an adult: 'Either you say the words of conversion to Islam or we kill all your children”. "He was desperate, he said the words. And then he phoned, me and said: 'Abouna [Father], I said the words, does that mean that Yesua [Jesus] doesn't love me any more?' I said, "Yesua still loves you, he will always loves you."
Canon White also said that ISIS were threatening to kill him, and that he is now living in Israel, following orders from the Archbishop of Canterbury to leave Iraq. He said that most of his staff are still in the north of Iraq trying to look after displaced Christians.
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