Jesus is your best friend- Pope says Children

Firstly, the Holy Father said, “never give up” because Jesus’ plan for you is to be built together with, parents, brothers, sisters, friends, classmates and catechism. Imparting more words of wisdom, the Pope told the children to concern themselves with the needs of the poorest and those who suffer and he also asked them to donate time to their parishes.
The Pope stressed how important it is to love the Church and to love oneself and he called on the young to be apostles of peace and serenity adding that misunderstandings can be overcome because united Jesus, everything is possible. He then urged all present to talk to Jesus who, he said, is the greatest friend that never leaves us. He then said to the children, “what do you think? Do you feel like putting into practice this proposal.”
Pope Francis concluded by saying, “with the grace of his birth, Jesus wants to help you take a step even stronger, more confident and more joyful to become his disciples.”
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