Christians observe Black Sunday against Persecutions in Middle East

Christians observe Black Sunday against Persecutions in Middle EastChristians in India observed Black Sunday against the persecutions of Christians by offered mass prayers at Bangalore and expressed solidarity with the thousands of innocent people who are being persecuted and subjected to inhuman violence and other atrocities by the Islamic fundamentalists in Iraq, Syria, Nigeria and other countries on September 14, 2014.

All Karnataka United Christians Federation of Human Rights

The Christians led by Dr Bernard Moras, Archbishop of Bangalore who is the President of the All Karnataka United Christians Federation of Human Rights (AKUCFHR) and the Karnataka Region Catholic Bishops’ Council (KRCBC) took out silent protest march from St Patrick’s Church on Brigade Road to the St Joseph’s Indian High School Grounds on Vittal Mallya Road opposite Kanteerava Stadium and held a massive rally braving the scorching sun as part of the observation of Black Sunday. The leaders of various denominations of Christians were participated.
After the mass prayers, in which the leaders of different Christian denominations affiliated to AKUCFHR like Catholics, Church of South India, Methodists, Baptists, Pentecost, Syrian Orthodox, Assemblies of God and representatives of the FKCCA as well as leaders of various political parties took part, addressed the large gathering. They also offered prayers for the victims and displaced persons in the flood affected in Jammu and Kashmir.

Dr Bernard Moras, Archbishop of Bangalore

Archbishop Moras, in his address, said it was a matter of deep concern and anguish to all people throughout the world, especially Christians, in view of the targeting of the religious minority by the fundamentalist and extremist Islamic group wantonly carrying out the genocide. Over 1.75 lakh of Christians and people sympathetic to them had been massacred in Irag, Syria, Nigeria and other African countries by the ISIS terrorist organisation. ''We need to rise against such inhuman holocaust, brutal torture and murders. Our silence and non-responsive attitude would mean our consent and support to such violence and atrocities against humanity,” the Archbishop said.
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