WCC gives thanks for the life and works of Samuel Isaac

Condolence on death of Samuel Isaac
In the condolence letter, Tveit stated, “We know that you remember him from the perspective of family and the intimacy of your relationships, and we pray that God is blessing those private memories. Meanwhile, we in the WCC are deeply grateful for the witness and service that he demonstrated through his life in both the church and the wider world”.
“We recall particularly the years from 1980 to 1996 when he served at the World Council of Churches in Geneva, mobilizing a workforce for change and progress within the one ecumenical movement, sharing resources among church-related agencies of caring both large and small. Perhaps his greatest impact came as deputy director of CICARWS, the commission on inter-church aid, refugee and world service. His critical thinking and managerial skills were crucial as the churches worked together in proclaiming the Good News while alleviating poverty, violence and suffering” Tveit added.
“We owe a great debt to Samuel Isaac for his unrelenting honesty in analysing where both churches and societies went wrong in their actions and activities, especially in his outspoken critique of the churches’ and government’s role in the tragedy of Rwanda during the 1990s” Tveit said in a condolence letter.
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