WCC organize Women's pilgrimage towards justice and peace

WCC organize Women's pilgrimage towards justice and peaceThe World Council of Churches has planned to organise a workshop on “ecumenical pilgrimage of justice and peace” between June 09, 2014 and June 13, 2014 at the WCC's Ecumenical Institute in Bossey, Switzerland. It will provide a space for dialogue on how men and women can contribute towards building peaceful communities. It will add to the efforts of women contributing towards an “ecumenical pilgrimage of justice and peace” consistent with a call from the WCC 10th Assembly in 2013.
Through scholarly and analytical presentations, creative narrative, conversations and reflections, this workshop will look at different sections of the resolution so as to bring it into a language that this group of women can use to advocate for their own active agency in peace building.
The workshop is aimed at making the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 accessible to religious women so as to build their capacity in advocacy and awareness raising on issues that affect them. It is designed to be an interactive learning experience open to women 18-35 years old. It is open to a maximum of 45 women from mainly conflict zones of the Middle East and Africa. Participants should be involved in advocacy for gender justice and peace.
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