CBCI President Stress to transmit the Love and Mercy of Jesus Christ

CBCI President Stress to transmit the Love and Mercy of Jesus ChristCardinal Baselios Mar Cleemis, Major Archbishop of Catholicos of the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church and President of Catholic Bishops' Conference of India stressed Church’s Commitment to Serve, Accelerate Restructuring Process during the felicitation function held at New Delhi. The Cardinal Baselios Mar Cleemis and two Vice Presidents Archbishop Andrews Thazhath and Archbishop Filipe Neri Feraao, and Secretary General Archbishop Albert D’Souza were welcomed and felicitated by the CBCI Centre, New Delhi and the Staff of Caritas India at the CBCI Centre, New Delhi on April 03, 2014.

CBCI Office Bearers assumed Office

The newly elected office bearers were hold meeting at the Centre for the first time after they assumed office in February. During the two-day meeting, the Office bearers held a brief interactive session with the Secretaries of the CBCI Offices and priests of Caritas. Speaking on the occasion, Cardinal Baselios Cleemis thanked all those who serve at the CBCI Centre for the hospitality and welcome accorded to him and the new office bearers.

Cardinal Baselios Mar Cleemis

In his brief address, Cardinal Cleemis emphasised the richness and diversity of the Church in India. Though Christians in India are a numerical minority, basing on the values of Jesus Christ we serve, the people of our country recognise and appreciate our contribution in various fields of service. He said our primary mission is to transmit the love and mercy of Jesus Christ to the whole of India beyond caste and community. He reminded the audience to pray for the success of the forthcoming election and should also pray for the Church in India so that we continue to strive to build up the Kingdom of God.
He thanked the various offices of the CBCI for their dedicated service to the Church in India. He urged the need to preserve unity of purpose and collaboration among the various functions and services to be effective. He expressed the resolve of the new office bearers to accelerate and carry forward the process of restructuring of the CBCI initiated a number of years ago.
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