Lenten season commences, Christians called to deeper faith, stronger love, sacrifice

The season is a 40-day period of self-reflection, and for traditional observers, a time of fasting, prayer and abstinence. It’s a time to reflect similar periods such as Christ’s 40 days of fasting in the desert, which took place before he entered his public ministry. On Ash Wednesday, the faithful attend services and receive ashes on their foreheads in the form of a cross.
While many of the faithful strictly observe Lent and deprive themselves of certain foods, drinks, actions or pleasurable activities, many today have modern ideas of how to mark the season. Special Holy Service takes place all over the world on the 1st Sunday, 2nd Sunday, 3rd Sunday, 4th Sunday and 5th Sunday in view of Lent days.
During the lent, Holy Week takes place from April 13 till April 19, 2014. Holy Week in Christianity is the last week of Lent and the week before Easter. It includes the religious holidays of Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday), Good Friday and Holy Saturday. It does not include Easter Sunday.
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