Strengthening a marriage culture serves the common good

Strengthening a marriage culture serves the common good “Strengthening a marriage culture serves the common good of our country,” said Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone of San Francisco, who heads the United States Bishops’ Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage. He encouraged continued efforts to strengthen the institution of marriage, which is rooted in biology and is crucial for the health of society. In a recent update to his fellow bishops on the United States Church’s efforts in defense of marriage, he emphasized the need to educate the faithful and general public on the reason behind Catholic teaching on marriage.
“We are no doubt at a critical point in this country when it comes to the promotion and defense of marriage in the law,” Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone warned. He suggested that in explaining the Church’s reasoning on marriage, it can be helpful to begin with biology and build out the argument from there. He observed that it has been four months since the United States Supreme Court struck down provisions of the Defense of Marriage Act that defined marriage for federal purposes as the union of one man and one woman.
Currently, 15 states and the District of Columbia have redefined marriage to include same-sex couples and the bishops the expect redefinition legislation and ballot initiatives in other states as well. However, the archbishop said, it is important to remember that 35 states still hold to the definition of marriage as a man and a woman and only three of the states that have redefined the institution have had voter approval to do so.
The bishops’ conference runs an initiative entitled Marriage Unique for a Reason to aid in this goal and recently prepared a telenovela film in Spanish, which will be released next month. The archbishop explained that the film centers on a 50th wedding anniversary and explores the four themes being emphasized by the bishops’ defense of marriage subcommittee: sexual difference and complementarity, the good of children, the common good, and religious liberty.
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