Prayer gives power to faith says Pope Francis

Prayer is the breath of faith
Reflecting on the Gospel reading for the day, the Pope spoke on the power of faith, inviting the crowds in the square to repeat several times after him: “Lord, increase our faith!” He spoke of those who are simple and humble or who are experiencing difficulties in their lives, who nonetheless are able to do great things and maintain a certain serenity, because of their faith. Pope Francis recalled how the month of October is dedicated in a particular way to missionaries, especially those who proclaim the Gospel despite great obstacles. He said, however, that each and every one of us, “in our own lives, every day, can give witness to Christ, with the strength of God, the strength of faith.”
This strength is attained only through prayer. “Prayer is the breath of faith,” the Pope said. In a relationship where there is trust and love, he continued, there needs to be dialogue. “Prayer is the dialogue of the soul with God.” The Holy Father said the month of October is also the month of the Rosary, noting how it is the tradition on the first Sunday of this month to pray to the Madonna of Pompeii, the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Holy Rosary. Pope Francis said that the Rosary is “a school of prayer,” and “a school of faith!”
After the Angelus prayer, the Pope noted that on Saturday, Rolando Rivi, a martyred Italian seminarian, was beatified. Blessed Rivi was killed at age 14 for wearing a cassock in the particularly anti-clerical period of 1945. The Pope spoke of how this young man is a great example for the youth of today. “He knew where he had to go… knew the love of Jesus in his heart, and gave his life for Him.” “How many young people 14 years old today have before their eyes this example, a courageous young man who knew where he must go, who knew in his heart the love of Jesus, and gave his life for him?” Rivi, he said, is “a beautiful example for young people.” Pope Francis concluded his post-Angelus address by wishing everyone a good Sunday and a good lunch.
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