Pray always, without growing weary - Pope

Pray always without growing weary states PopePope Francis spoke about the need to pray always, without growing tired and must cry out to the Lord day and night – not because God does not know our needs, or doesn’t listen to us, but because the daily struggle against evil requires patience and resistance. Pope said, “There is a struggle to carry on every day, but God is our ally, faith in Him is our strength and prayer is the expression of this faith”. Pope recalled the words of Jesus at the end of the Gospel: “When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?” (Lk. 18:8). “If the faith goes out, if prayer ends,” the Pope said, we end up waking in darkness, and losing the way on the journey of life.” Pope also celebrated World Mission Sunday, remembering the Italian Afra Martinelli.

Celebration of World Mission Sunday

After the Angelus, Pope Francis recalled World Mission Sunday, celebrated throughout the Church on the second to last Sunday of October. He thanked all those who support the missions through their prayers and concrete help. "The method of the Christian mission is not evangelising, but spread the flame of faith that Jesus has kindled in the world," Pope said on that occasion, remembering the Italian Afra Martinelli, who has worked for many years in Nigeria: a few days ago has been killed, for robbery, all have cried, Christians, Muslims, loved her. She proclaimed the Gospel with their lives, with the work that has created a center of education.
Pope expressed his closeness to all the missionaries, who work so quietly and give their lives and thanked all those with prayer and practical help support missionary work, in particular the concern of the Bishop of Rome to spread the Gospel. The Holy Father also expressed his closeness to the people of the Philippines, especially the victims of the recent earthquake. He invited everyone to pray for the Philippines, which has been struck by numerous disasters in recent days.
Pope Francis also greeted all the pilgrims present for the Angelus. Pope Francis had a special welcome for a group of young people who had taken part in a special “100 metre sprint for faith” organised by the Pontifical Council for Culture. The impromptu race track was set up along the Via della Conciliazione leading into Saint Peter’s Square, with the participants concluding their races in time to hear the Holy Father’s address. Pope Francis thanked them for “reminding us that the believer is an athlete of the spirit!”
He concluded his remarks by greeting various groups from around the world, Pope Francis noted that Argentina today celebrates “Mother’s Day.” His “affectionate greeting to the mothers” of his native country was met with loud applause.
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