Pakistani Schools force Christians to study Islam and its elements

Pakistani Schools force Christians to study Islam and its elementsThe text-books of Pakistani schools pose the killing of Christians as "learning objective" that would help the same members of the minority to seek martyrdom for the faith. This is shown by a report published in late September by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). According to research, the texts are common in most public primary schools and even Pakistani Christians and members of other minorities are forced to read and study them. The authors of the books led by the religious leaders have changed the meaning of the term "minority", which is now perceived with negative meaning.
The problem of education in Pakistan has emerged strongly in 2011, the Government dedicated to the promotion of this issue. In one year, several studies were published which showed that thousands of non-Muslim students are "forced" to study Islam and elements of the Muslim religion, for fear of discrimination. In 2012 the National Commission for Justice and Peace of the Catholic Church has published a report in which he denounced the law passed by the Parliament of Punjab in the study plan that makes it mandatory learning of the Quran.
Msgr. Lawrence John Saldanha, Archbishop Emeritus of Lahore (Punjab) said that Pakistan has become a state for "only Muslims." Non-Muslims do not enjoy equal rights. Source Asia News

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