Cardinal M Ranjith condemns the open fire on Youths in Sri Lanka

Cardinal M Ranjith condemns the open fire on Youths in Sri LankaThe Catholic Church in Sri Lanka condemned as "unacceptable and unjustifiable" the violence of Weliweriya , where the army opened fire on unarmed youths - killing three - chasing them even as they sought refuge in the local church. With hundreds of other people, from the end of July, the boys were asking the Government drinking water for their village and the end of environmental pollution. The Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith, Archbishop of Colombo and President of the Bishops' Conference of the Sri Lanka attended the funeral of a victim, where he read a message on behalf of all the bishops of Sri Lankans.
"We condemn without hesitation - said the Cardinal - the attack led by some elements of the armed forces of persons who sought refuge in the church of St. Anthony in Weliweriya. A sacrilege for anyone to enter with arms in their hands in holy places behave in violently. Such actions cannot be accepted by anyone. "
The Cardinal Ranjith said that "we must always preserve the sanctity of the holy places of all religions and respect the people who come in search of protection. Demand that the guilty be punished, regardless of their rank or social status. Want to reiterate that accept attempts to resolve the situation in another way, by putting the law in the hands of only one. We cannot accept - he continued - the use of power in repressive way to suppress the protests, even if they go out of control. Whatever the case, the best way to solve [the situation] is the path of dialogue and confrontation peaceful ".
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