Religious freedom often affirmed, not always put into practice

Defending religious liberty and making it available for everyone, Pope Francis said, is everyone's responsibility. Doing so "guarantees the growth and development of the entire community." Pope Francis then turned his attention to the current global crisis. At this time in history, he said, the world is undergoing a "serious and persistent global economic crisis which accentuates economic and social problems, above all placing a burden on the weakest of society.
Some of the main causes for concern, Pope Francis pointed out, include the weakening of family and social ties; decreasing populations; the prevalence of a way of thinking which values profit more than work; insufficient attention given to younger generations and their formation, which jeopardizes a peaceful and secure future for society.
In such a moment of crisis he said, "there is therefore an urgent need to foster, especially among young people, a new way of thinking with regard to the responsibility of politics," one where "believers and non-believers can work together to promote a society where injustice can be overcome, and each person can contribute to the common good according to his or her dignity, and make the most of his or her abilities." Even in the civil sphere, what the faith assures us is true: we must never lose hope. How many examples of this have we received from our parents and grandparents, who faced the difficulties of their own life with great courage and a spirit of sacrifice!
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