CSI Moderator ordinates new Pastors in Holy Service

CSI Moderator ordinates new Pastors in Holy ServiceThe Moderator of Church of South India and Bishop of Kanyakumari Diocese, The Most Rev. Dr.G.Devakadasham has given ordination to fourteen Church workers at the Holy Ordination service of CSI Kanyakumari Diocese held on June 02, 2013 at Home Church, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District. The Holy ordination followed their successful completion of their three-year theological studies and successful completion of their ministerial probation at the various churchs in the diocese. The moderator was preaching the sermon at the commissioning of 14 probationers. During the service, Er.S.Byju Nizeeth Paul, (Vice President of the Diocese), Dr.M.J.Moses, (Secretary of the Diocese), Rev.Muthuswamy Christudhas, (Treasurer), Presbyters, Evangelists, Church workers and Probationers were attended. More than 5,000 members of the congregation participated the Holy service.

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The Most Rev. Dr.G.Devakadasham

During the Holy Service, The Most Rev. Dr.G.Devakadasham given ordination to N.Johnson, J.Darly, S.Edwin Jeyakumar, J. Selin Jeba Swiss Aaron, S.E. Semion, P. Jacob Peter, B.Bright Jeba Nesses, S.Suresh Selva Kumar, R.Stanly Nesa Raj, R.Ringeltaube, I.Thangachan, P.Thankaraj, C.Justin and S.G Bibin as Pastors. All the new Pastors came to their respective Home Church and celebrates 1st Service.

Rev.P.Thankaraj, Assistant Pastor of Devicode Church (CSI District Church) celebrated his Ist Service at there and preached the sermon on June 03, 2013. During that time, Rev.N.Raj Kumar, District Minister of the Church and all Church committee members were presented. All the church members were participated and greeted the new pastor.

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