Christians urges prayer for Boston victims

Christians urges prayer for Boston victimsChristians are praying after two explosions at the Boston Marathon yesterday where three killed and more than 170 wounded. President Barack Obama made a televised address in which he vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice. "We will find out who did this. We'll find out why they did this," he said. "Any responsible individuals, any responsible groups, will feel the full weight of justice." Christian leaders expressed their sympathies and ask for prayers for the victims.

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Archbishop of Boston

The Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Sean O'Malley expressed his deep sorrow over the senseless acts of violence perpetrated at the marathon. "Our prayers and concern are with so many who experienced the trauma of these acts, most especially the loved ones of those who lives were lost and those who were injured, and the injured themselves," he said. "We stand in solidarity with our ecumenical and interfaith colleagues in the commitment to witness the greater power of good in our society and to work together for healing."

Mars Hill Church Pastor David Fairchild said “the root cause was an insane rebellion against our Creator God. Sadly, in a split second, people and families have been shattered and forever changed by this terrible tragedy," he said. "The most powerful weapon at our disposal against evil is the hope-filled prayer of God's people. Join me in praying for those in attendance as well as the families of those affected by this heinous act. "Also, please pray for the policemen, firemen and medical personnel treating and protecting the victims of this evil act, may God give these men and women helpful words for hurting people."

The Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, which covers Boston, conducted a special prayer service at the Cathedral Church of St Paul today. The service led by Bishop Gayle E Harris. Episcopal Bishop Tom Shaw has requested prayers for the city and all those affecting, as well as emergency responders.

Presiding Bishop of the US Episcopal Church Katharine Jefferts Schori has offered the following prayer: Gracious God, you walk with us through the valley of the shadow of death. We pray that the suffering and terrorized be surrounded by the incarnate presence of the crucified and risen one. May every human being be reminded of the precious gift of life you entered to share with us? May our hearts be pierced with compassion for those who suffer, and for those who have inflicted this violence, for your love is the only healing balm we know? May the dead be received into your enfolding arms, and may your friends show the grieving they are not alone as they walk this vale of tears. All this we pray in the name of the one who walked the road to Calvary.

Salisbury Cathedral published a special prayer for those caught up in explosions. The prayer has been written by the Reverend Canon Tom Clammer, Precentor, Salisbury Cathedral. God of Peace, whose Son spoke words of calm into the storm, we pray for all those caught up in the bombings in Boston, for those who have lost their lives, and for those whose lives have been scarred by this act; bring calm and peace into our communities, melt the hearts of those who would turn to violence, and draw close to your people with comfort and love; we ask this in the name of Jesus, our risen Lord. Amen.

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