Service is a core value to Church says Cardinal Oswald Gracias

Service is a core value to Church says Cardinal Oswald GraciasOn the third day of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI), the Member-Bishops are reflecting and deliberating on 'Service'. "Service is a core value to the Church and us, as Disciples of Christ cannot sacrifice it for anything else", said Oswald Cardinal Gracias at the homily he delivered to the participants of the XXV Plenary Assembly of the CCBI dedicated to the theme, "Church a serving community". Every organization or institution has some core values. Those core values are so basic that these organizations or institutions claim that they have those values as their very foundation.

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"What is the core value for the Church?" he asked and cited from the Gospel reading of the day, "The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many. Of course this value of service is to be understood as the expression of the most fundamental core value for us as Disciples of Christ: "love", the new commandment. The Church, universal, national and local is called upon to be a community of service. At the international level today a clarion call is for the Church to raise her voice and to render whatever service is possible for the environment and for the betterment of humanity.

At the national level the Church in India, reading to the signs of the times should come up to serve for the fight against corruption to help create a just and corruption-free society and to work for the elimination of poverty, illiteracy and inequality.

There are two important events that grace this occasion. The Silver Jubilee Year of the CCBI of its founding and the Golden Jubilee Year of the elevation of the Shrine Basilica of Our Lady of Health Vailankanni as Minor Basilica in 1962. On February 10, the newly constructed Morning Star Church will be blessed by the Papal Legate Cardinal Fernando Filoni Prefect for the Congregation of the Evangelization of Peoples.

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