Church ransacked and Believers assaulted in Kanyakumari District

Church ransacked and Believers assaulted in Kanyakumari DistrictThe Hindu nationalist BJP members have entered into the Hand of Jesus Church which is run by Pastor Amala Dhas of Appattuvilai, Thuckalay, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu State for more than twelve years, with lethal weapons like long sticks and knives on the day of Christmas eve with a bad intention to make a threat and fear towards the Christians in order to stop them from worshiping Lord Jesus Christ, humiliated and disgraced the Christians by using filthy abusive bad words and damaged the vehicles of the pastor and worshipers.

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J G Prince, MLA, Colachel Constituency

Adv. J.G Prince, Member of Legislative Assembly of Tamilnadu, Colachel Constituency stated that the Government of Tamil Nadu has issued License Order for worship and requested to take immediate necessary action to safeguard the Minority Christians and to provide protection for the Christians worshipping at their Christian Religious Worship Center "Hand of Jesus Church" at Appattuvilai, Thuckalay.

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