Kumaraswamy promises Development Corporation for Christians

Kumaraswamy promises Development Corporation for ChristiansA separate development corporation will be set up for the Christian minority in the Karnataka State if the Janata Dal (Secular) (JD (S)) comes to power in the ensuing assembly elections, said its State President H D Kumaraswamy on Saturday. "We have held discussion with various Christian leaders and met the Archbishop Bernard Moras to discuss the necessity to set up Karnataka Christian Minority Development Corporation. The objective of setting up a separate corporation will be the economic empowerment of the community. It will be a reality if the JD(S) is elected to power," Kumaraswamy said at a convention organized by the Christian minority cell of the party.

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He said that peace and co-existence is the mantra to preserve harmony in the society. "Christian community has the patience and tolerance. It was displayed several times when they were attacked in the coastal districts. The Congress and the BJP are the two sides of the coin. Both parties try to split the society. Neither the Congress nor the BJP has made honest effort to create harmonious atmosphere in society," he alleged.

"The state was enjoying significant position in the cultural history of India. However, it has been battered in the past four-and-half-a-year rule of the BJP. The Congress alleges that JD(S) paved way for the BJP rule in the state. That statement shows the party's narrow-minded thinking. I did not allow BJP to rule the state and I did not give opportunity for BJP leaders to engage in illegal activities. Congress leaders did never protest honestly against illegal activities of BJP leaders," he said, adding that the Congress has hidden agenda.

Christians account for about 1.9 percent of the state's population. Attacks on Christians shot up in the state after the BJP came to power in May 2008. Incidentally, the state recorded the highest number of anti-Christian attacks in India last year.

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