Church Mission Society appeals to train church leaders

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The funds raised will be used to give more ordained ministers a biblical grounding and practical knowledge to help them in building God's kingdom. One pastor who has already received training from CMS is the Reverend Eli Paul, who is leading churches in South Sudan's Maridi Diocese.
Rev Paul says that prior to the training; he lacked the knowledge and skills to help others become vibrant disciples. "Now I can account for money down to the last penny," he shares. "I know how to turn Kingdom-vision into reality and above all, I can create resources that are leading people to grow in Christ."
The training is being provided to pastors through mission partners like Canon Trisha Wick, who is coordinator for discipleship and training in Maridi Diocese. It is hoped that the appeal will enable more pastors to plant churches, reach out to the poor, and help people become followers of Jesus. Rev Steinberg added: "The result will be transformed leaders and more people knowing Jesus."
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