Pastor sends to Jail for Distributing Christian Literature

Pastor sends to Jail for Distributing Christian LiteraturePastor John Pargy, (26) is working with the India Gospel Church at Birmawal in Ratlam about 310 kms from Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh. He is married to Neelu, 23 and he has two 5 and 2 year old sons. On September 07, 2012 he was distributing Christian literature in Birmawal village when about 25 RSS and Bajranga Dal activists pounced upon him and stopped him from distributing the Christian tracts. They also began abusing and cursing him and levelling allegations against him that he was converting Hindus to Christianity.

The RSS and Bajranga Dal activists

Though, RSS and Bajranga Dal activists were determined to physically assault Pastor John Pargy, something changed their minds and they took him to the Birmawal Police Station complaining that he was criticizing Hindu religion and Hindu religious practices and also forcing them to drink cow's blood etc. He was was then charged under section 151 of IPC and sent to the Ratlam District Jail where he spent 3 days when he was released on bail.

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