Nations Praying for United States Elections

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As Dave has shared his experience here at home, the response has been incredible. All across the nation, Christian leaders are issuing calls to pray before the elections. "All of the issues facing our country are obviously a huge touch point, and a catalyst to ignite this growing movement to pray."
The United States is clearly a nation in trouble. A battered economy, political divisiveness, the culture wars, racial uneasiness, and a sidelined church, provide the dry tinder for an inflammatory national election in November of 2012. Many stake their hopes or fears on the outcome. The seriousness of our day requires an intensity of prayer that is unprecedented. This is a call, not from one ministry or organization, but from diverse leaders from across the entire spectrum of the United States Church. It is also not a call to a particular event. It is a pleading for all Christians to do something proactive and powerful in prayer for the 40 days leading up to our fall elections.
Mr. David has issued a challenge to Christian's across the nation, "For 40 days between September 28th and November 6th, let's allow ourselves, our friends, and our congregations to be challenged by the same question that was posed to me in May—'Are Christians in America praying?' Let's get the word out through every means possible, so that millions of Christians in America can join together and answer with one resounding voice, 'YES WE ARE!'"
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