Pope asks Christians to hunger for Jesus' love

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Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Benedict explained that in Jewish thought it was clear that "the true bread from heaven that nourished Israel was the Law, the word of God," as given to Moses in the Torah. It was this that distinguished them from their neighbors because through this "true bread" they knew God's will "and therefore the right path of life."
"Now Jesus, in revealing himself as the bread of heaven, testifies that he is the Word of God in person, the word incarnate, through which man can make God's will his food which guides and supports our existence," the Pope explained. Despite this revelation, however, the crowds "do not go beyond his earthly origins, and therefore refuse to welcome him as the Word of God made flesh."
In the Gospel, the skeptical multitude asked "Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph? Do we not know his father and mother?" However, the Pope said that to doubt the divinity of Christ means "opposing God's work."
Pope Benedict concluded by asking the Blessed Virgin Mary to "guide us to the encounter with Jesus so that our friendship with him be always more intense." He also asked her to "introduce us into the full communion of love with her son, the living bread which came down from heaven, so as to be renewed by him in our innermost selves."
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